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Get a complete view of your customers and make your marketing analysis more meaningful How well do you really know your customers? Find out with the help of expert author Daniel Waisberg and "Google Analytics Integrations." This unique guide takes you well beyond the basics of using Google Analytics to track metrics, showing you how to transform this simple data collection tool into a powerful, central marketing analysis platform for your organization. You'll learn how Google AdWords, AdSense, CRMs, and other data sources can be used together to deliver actionable insights about your customers and their behavior. Explains proven techniques and best practices for collecting clean and accurate information from the start Shows you how to import your organization's marketing and customer data into Google Analytics Illustrates the importance of taking a holistic view of your customers and how this knowledge can transform your business Provides step-by-step guidance on using the latest analytical tools and services to gain a complete understanding of your customers, their needs, and what motivates them to take action "Google Analytics Integration" is your in-depth guide to improving your data integration, behavioral analysis, and ultimately, your bottom line., In Google Analytics Integrations, expert Daniel Waisberg provides to web professionals a roadmap for turning Google Analytics into a centralized marketing-analysis platform to glean more insightful data about their customers' behavior. Many marketers are still seeing a single part of their visitors' interaction with their businesses: They can't see all the factors (and data) that affect their websites and apps. This happens mainly because data is scattered over multiple data silos, making it hard for professionals to integrate all sources of information into one place. In addition, some platforms and networks still protect their data, making it almost impossible to create a full picture of the customer. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to integrate and analyze AdWords, Webmaster Tools, AdSense, YouTube, DoubleClick and other tools using the Google Analytics interface. Website owners, marketers, and analysts will learn best practices to not only increase data accuracy, but also bring new analytical capabilities to gain further insight into their customers. But since Google Analytics data is only as good as its implementation, Daniel also provides best practices when it comes to implementing codes and setting up the tool interface. You will learn proven techniques to gather clean and accurate data from the outset, as well as a straightforward way to keep the implementation under control, which is especially important for large enterprises., Turn Google Analytics into a centralized marketing-analysis platform Are you looking to get more useful data about your customers' behavior? "Google Analytics Integrations" paves the way. Written by Google expert Daniel Waisberg, this step-by-step guide shows you how to integrate and analyze AdWords, Webmaster Tools, AdSense, YouTube, DoubleClick, and other tools using the Google Analytics interface. Many marketers are still seeing only a single part of their visitors' interaction with their business, rather than all the factors and data that affect their websites and apps. This happens mainly because data is scattered over multiple data silos, making it hard for professionals to integrate all sources of information into one place. "Google Analytics Integrations" offers practical and easy-to-implement guidance on getting around those tricky roadblocks, arming you with the know-how to capture the information you need to get to know your customer base and make your brand grow. Includes best practices for setting up the Google Analytics interface Offers proven techniques to gather clean and accurate customer data Provides straightforward guidance on keeping the implementation under control Shows you how to integrate and import all of your data into Google Analytics You will learn proven techniques to gather clean and accurate data from the outset, as well as a straightforward way to keep the implementation under control, which is especially important for large enterprises. Harness the full power of Google Analytics to get better results and drive revenue with "Google Analytics Integrations"

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